
Gacha world 1.3.5


The description of Gacha World

- New 7-Star characters have been added to the Gacha!

★ Welcome to the Gacha World ★
Create your own anime styled Gacha Summoner, and Gacha the best 5-7★'s easily! Get gems by farming quests, battling Raid Bosses, PvP, and many more ways! Save the world from corruption as you learn every character's story. Get your gacha on and enter the Gacha World!

«Game Features»
★ Gacha 90+ Characters in Gacha World!
★ RPG Battle system with elemental strengths & weaknesses
★ Story, Events, PvP League, Boss Raids, & Tower modes!
★ 3 gems per pull, 30 gems for a 10+1 Gacha, 150 gems for a 50+5 Gacha!
★ Free 2 Play, You can farm for Gems easily!
★ Customize your Hero! Buy clothes, hats, and more in the shop
★ Google Play Leaderboards & Achievements
★ Play offline! No wi-fi is needed to play

- The game may lag on old devices & devices with 4k screens.
- Please restart the game if you experience lag over time.
- In-App-Purchases might not work for Android 6.0+ devices / rooted devices.

Thank you for playing Gacha World!!!!! ガチャワールド

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Free Download Cheat Engine 6.2


Cheat engine and their Uses :

There is actually one simple way to hack almost any single player game running on your computer. All you need is Cheat Engine and the game you’d like to hack. Cheat Engine is a free piece of software and the hacking process is quite simple, so don’t be discouraged.
Cheat engine is used to hack Health, Skill Points, Gold, Money, Energy and similar values shown in your HUD or character menus.

Where this works

This technique will work for a lot of games, but not all of them. There are games that try to keep hackers at bay. They will either use different Value Types like Floats, String or Doubles. In that case try scanning with those value type options. Some developers will even multiply the value by some weird number. I will publish a tutorial on how to hack encrypted values soon. – Keep in mind that Cheat Engine is a tool to help you hack a game, it will however not hack the game for you.


Camera ZOOM FX Premium v6.2.9


There’s so much you can do: action shots, stable shot, photo filters, collage, photo composition and more.★★★★★ Editor’s Choice – Google Play, Gizmodo + SlashGear
★★★★★ “The Best Camera for Android” – lifehackerThe final choice for 2,000,000+ people!POWERFUL FEATURES:
● Fastest camera on Android
● Best Photo Mode!
● Stable Shot
● Timer
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● Burst Mode
● Collage
● Time Lapse
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● Grid overlays
● Horizon level
● Set actions for hardware buttons, e.g. volume to control zoom.POST PROCESSING:
● Powerful editing suite
● 1-click presets: Diana, Retro, Holga 35mm, Toy…
● Total control of color, vignettes and fun effects
● Collages: e.g. 2×2 selfie shots
● Tilt-shift
● Light leaks
● Fun camera props
● Famous ‘buddies’
● Shutter animations
● Scary Halloween ghouls
● FramesREVIEWS:
“our choice for the best camera app around … a ton of different effects if you’re in the mood for a Hipstamatic type shot” – lifehacker
“grab this to show off to your Apple-loving buddies” – SlashGear
“greatly improves the usefulness of your Android” – Gizmodo
“Few apps offer as many options for shooting as this one” – WIRED
– Fix for returning from video
– Fix for permissions on setting contact photos
– Fix for portrait mirror FX
– Other minor fixes
App Info:
App name : Camera ZOOM FX Premium
Package Name : slide.cameraZoom
Developer: androidslide
Apk Md5 : 4af3ba5fb63214868835beb0b5f7c629
Apk Size :6.11 MB
Update on Play Store : April 6, 2017
Version Name & Code:6.2.9(172)


App Locker Pro (Fingerprint)


The description of App Locker Pro (Fingerprint)
Are you finding an application that secure your text message, your settings and your applications? It's the right place.
We introduce to you App Locker Pro - the most secure your mobile phone.
Keep your privacy by locking apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Gallery or anything you want.
A must have personal security app to secure your privacy.
Great Features:
★ Fingerprint support. You can unlock your application by your finger. Only in App Locker Pro (free)
★ Unlock with fingerprint or PIN or Pattern
★ Lock your apps with a "secure" but "easy to unlock" pattern.
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★ Secure your messaging and social apps and make your social life really your's.
★ Facebook Messenger chat heads (bubbles) hidden message setting.
★ Hide your pictures by locking gallery and photo apps.
★ Keep your data secure from prying eyes.
★ App Lock has great color themes.
★ App Locker Material designed.
★ App Locker Pro worked on Android N and older version.
★ Most Android devices supported. Huawei and Xiaomi devices please read the note at end of description.
★ FREE! Totally free

Huawei and Xiaomi devices have evil task killer services that interfere with the AppLock service. For our app to work, you need to add App Locker to allowed apps in those devices' security settings.
Huawei: Phone Manager App > Protected Apps > Add App Locker to the list.
Xiaomi: Services > Security > Permissions > Autostart, find App Locker and enable autostart.

mastermind: how to think like sherlock holmes.pdf


A new book says you can train your brain to be a creative problem solver worthy of literature’s most famous sleuth. Are you a Dr. Watson or a Sherlock Holmes?

If we could choose between a Watsonian and Holmesian mind, I’m sure most of us would prefer Holmes. He’s brilliant and perceptive: the consummate problem-solver. He’s an intellectual badass, capable of reading a complete stranger’s biography based on the guy’s cuff links. Sadly, most of us are like Dr. Watson: perfectly observant and well-intentioned but unknowingly judgmental and blind to the small, critical detail.

An example: At a recent party, I spotted someone across the escape room to whom I applied a less than charitable label. I knew he deserved this label, because he had chiseled cheek bones, a blow-dried sweep of blonde hair, khaki pants, and Oxfords. He was drinking a Forty, which he waved around like some kind of medal. I had this guy pinned in a second: He was a model-and-bottle type, lived in the Murray Hill neighborhood of Manhattan, and worked at a hedge fund. Only later did I learn that he was a newspaper journalist, lived in Brooklyn, and studied fine art. He was also a perfectly decent human being.

Sherlock Holmes would never have made a snap judgment like mine, nor would he have overlooked important clues that might have saved me from my prejudice. “Where Watson sees, Holmes observes,” says Maria Konnikova, author of the new book Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes. If Holmes had been my companion that evening, he would have considered the fact that the hosts—a lovely journalist and an educational software sales rep—probably didn’t run in hedge fund, model-and-bottle circles. For starters.

U.S. and U.K. covers
“Holmes employs mindfulness in all his thinking. He lives in the present moment,” says Konnikova, a doctoral candidate in psychology at Columbia and a columnist for Scientific American. “We say that we do this, but it’s really hard.” Still, Konnikova has set out to try. In exploring the thinking of Sherlock Holmes, and plumbing A Study in Scarlet, The Hound of the Baskervilles, and many other works by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, she has provided a guide for greater self-awareness, stronger memory, better focus, and enhanced creativity.

Holmes practices mindfulness, which sounds new-agey, but is actually quite practical. Mindfulness means focusing on only one problem or activity at a time. But mindfulness isn’t the opposite of multi-tasking, because there’s actually no such thing. “Our brain cannot do two things at once,” says Konnikova. “What we believe is multi-tasking is really the brain switching quickly from one task to the next.” And when our brains move so quickly between pursuits, it’s impossible to be truly focused on any single one. “Your attention is a finite resource,” says Konnikova. “Even when we’re walking down the street—not on the phone, not listening to music but simply thinking about what we’re having for dinner—we’re not really noticing the world around us.”

She points to a study from the National Academy of Sciences, which showed that people who described themselves as heavy media multi-taskers had much more trouble tuning out distractions than light media multi-taskers. They were also worse at switching between tasks. “So even though they were multi-tasking all the time, they were less efficient,” says Konnikova. She explains that our minds are programmed to wander, which multi-tasking exacerbates. But concentration is self-reinforcing. The more you do it, the better you get. “The more you learn to filter out irrelevant distractions, the better your brain can monitor [your] environment—both externally and internally.” This means that focusing on one activity or thought at a time will help you notice or remember details in your work, the things your read, and the people you talk to. This kind of focus will also make you better attuned to how you’re feeling, physically and emotionally.

Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce as Holmes and Watson
The “brain attic” is Holmes’s analogy for the human mind and how we store information. “The natural tendency is to throw everything up there,” says Konnikova. But this leads to mental clutter: information that is useless to us and/or too disorganized to access when we really need it. Knowing what information to store depends on your individual goals. Holmes is the “world’s only consulting detective,” which has specific knowledge requirements. As for the rest of us, Konnikova says that we often move through life focusing on the day-to-day without considering our longer-term goals. And if we don’t step back and focus on these, we’ll never know what to remember.

In some ways, how to remember is the easier task. We are more likely to remember something if we connect it to a sensory experience or previous action. “That’s why handwriting is really important if you want to remember something. Motor memory is much better for recall than typing,” says Konnikova. Similarly, connecting memories to smells or sounds is tremendously helpful for recall. We remember song lyrics, because music is a natural memory facilitator. “If you could set every line of poetry to music, you’d know it in a heartbeat,” Konnikova says. We can’t set every piece of information we take in to music, but we can be mindful of what we’re seeing, smelling, or hearing at the moment that we receive information that’s worthy of our attics.

Holmes plays the violin, because it takes him out of his thinking mind and places him in a purely physical state. “Taking mental holidays can be incredibly productive for creativity and we need work environments which encourage that,” says Konnikova. She suggests something as simple as taking a walk in the park during your lunch break instead of eating at your desk. Konnikova has found two reasons for this. First, more hours at the desk can actually make you less productive. Second, studies have shown a link between exposure to nature and increased creativity. She admits that nobody has proven why this link exists, but neuroscientists have found that the brain associates certain colors—green and blue especially—with expansiveness. So perhaps exposure to green grass or a sunny sky relaxes and expands the mind. “Even just looking at nature on your screen saver can help,” Konnikova says.

“Holmes is an expert at person perception,” says Konnikova. A great example of this happens during Holmes’s initial meeting with Dr. Watson, inA Study in Scarlet. Based on Watson’s demeanor, his knowledge of chemistry, and the difference in skin color between Watson’s tanned face and pale wrist, Holmes deduces Watson is a military doctor, who recently returned from the Anglo-Afghan war. He takes all of the clues into account, both the seen (Watson’s skin tones) and the unseen (England’s involvement in the Afghan war).

“Experts actually see the world differently than non-experts,” says Konnikova. “If you’re an expert at card magic, you’ll feel things in the cards that a normal person can’t feel: are they new, have they been properly stored, how much does the paper stock weigh, and how many cards are in your hand at any given point.”

But Holmes is also an expert at identifying his own biases—i.e. the memories in his brain attic that might influence his perception of a person or situation. As Konnikova writes: “Holmes knows that if he lets an incidental feature”—say a Forty and Oxford shoes—”get to him, he will run the risk of losing objectivity in the rest of his observation. He knows that if he comes too quickly to a judgment, he will miss much of the evidence against it.”

Maria Konnikova
Not that this kind of person perception is easy to learn. Thinking like Holmes at the party a few weeks back would have required me to scour my mind for every previous experience that could possibly affect my view of the other guests. (In retrospect, I remember some unpleasant high school experiences with preppy Forty drinkers who grew up to be hedge fund managers.) Holmes doesn’t have to scour and search his brain attic to recall such memories. He’s sufficiently practiced at mindfulness that he simply sees and knows.

I asked Konnikova if researching and writingMastermind has taught her to think like Holmes. Does she practice mindfulness and memory storage and person perception with a Holmesian devotion?

“I make it a practice not to judge someone before I speak with them and get to know them. But can I tell you who someone is by looking at cuff links? No.”

If you’d like a good taste of Sherlock Holmes, Konnikova recommends Silver Blaze, The Red-Headed League, and the Adventure of the Speckled Band by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.


Call Recorder – ACR Premium 28.5 Apk Android

Another Call Recorder is a free call recorder application. It is one of the best call recorders in the Play Store and offers tons of features such as:
– Search
– Grouping recordings by date
– Auto email (Pro)
– Auto delete old recordings
– Marking recordings as important so they don’t get auto deleted
– Multi select, delete, send
– Displaying contact name and photo
– Excluded numbers
– Auto or Manual (Pro) call recording
– Password protection of recordings
– Lots of recording formats
– Ability start delayed recording
– Different recording modes by number, contact, non-contact or just selected contacts
– Dropbox integration (Pro)
– Google Drive integration (Pro)
– WebDAV integration (Pro)
– And many more…
Android AppsToolsCall Recorder – ACR Premium 23.1 Apk
Call Recorder – ACR Premium 23.1 Apk
Another Call Recorder is a free call recorder application. It is one of the best call recorders in the Play Store and offers tons of features such as:
– Search
– Grouping recordings by date
– Auto email (Pro)
– Auto delete old recordings
– Marking recordings as important so they don’t get auto deleted
– Multi select, delete, send
– Displaying contact name and photo
– Excluded numbers
– Auto or Manual (Pro) call recording
– Password protection of recordings
– Lots of recording formats
– Ability start delayed recording
– Different recording modes by number, contact, non-contact or just selected contacts
– Dropbox integration (Pro)
– Google Drive integration (Pro)
– WebDAV integration (Pro)
– And many more…
Do not use ACR in conjunction with other call recorders and try different recording formats (ogg,3gp,mp4,wav) to find best one for your phone
Some phones do not support call recording properly. This is due to capabilities of different chipset/CPU each brand/model have. Please see for known phone list.
We are not lawyers.
Recording calls without letting your caller know may not be legal in some countries.

Pause option for certain formats on manual mode on Android 7
Pending uploads under Cloud service to manually upload failed recordings
Ability detect and avoid Wi-Fi calls. It is technically impossible to record Wi-Fi calling on 99.99% of phones
App Info:
App name : Call Recorder – ACR
Package Name : com.nll.acr
Developer: NLL
Apk Md5 : 526de7a49260d1ca625fd7ed0e2707f7
Apk Size :5.53 MB
Update on Play Store :February 21, 2017
Version Name & Code: 23.1 (231)
Requirements: Android 2.3 and up


Hacking with Kali Practical Penetration Testing Techniques.pdf


Hacking with Kali introduces you the most current distribution of the de facto standard tool for Linux pen testing.

Starting with use of the Kali live CD and progressing through installation on hard drives, thumb drives and SD cards, author James Broad walks you through creating a custom version of the Kali live distribution.

Youll learn how to configure networking components, storage devices and system services such as DHCP and web services
