BLUE STACKS 2

Today, we’re ecstatic to release BlueStacks 2! This is the single biggest update we have ever made to App Player. While there is risk associated with releasing so many features at one time, we couldn’t wait to roll these out to all of our devoted users

Multi-tasking Capability App Player now acts more akin to a Browser interface, allowing users to play multiple apps at once. Keep your messenger running in a tab while you take a stab at new games. Play an app while another is downloading … the possibilities for use are endless.

Worldwide Welcome Reaching 100 Million users, with over 1 Billion apps consumed monthly on our platform has made us realize how incredibly lucky we are to touch so many lives. We are introducing a brand new section to bring you the best apps that our users are enjoying across the globe. Our goal is to embrace our community’s diversity and keep you updated on the world of BlueStacks.



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